Fluent in sarcasm with an enthusiasm for satire is putting it mildly. Musician, Song writer, Cannasurer, “Stand-up Philosopher” he brings a multitude of life experiences to the table as one of the core cast members of the show

Big O
The man of a thousand memes and stories. Master of the insult quick with the come back he’s here every week as part of the core line up. Catch his regular installments of BIG-O The Meme Generator right here on Rice and Beans.

This is the friend that you don’t put on speaker phone a man who needs no introduction but a shot of penicillin wouldn’t hurt. A staple on the Rice and Beans Podcast from the start. He has a thing for the peeeeen and is the reason we can tell all these gay jokes.

Jasmine Rice
Jasmine from House of Rice and Beans, first of her name, the unscripted, Breaker of Balls, Khaleesi of the Friend zone, Queen of all things Geeky, our foul mouthed dragon lady. Catch her weekly as one of the core cast members.
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